Classical communication

Classical communication encryption protocols are mostly based on the RSA algorithm.

In this method, there are 2 parties and there are 2 keys that are generated:

  • A public key that is sent to one party.
  • A private key that remains with the other party.
  • The message is encrypted using the public key and opened with the private key.

The security of this method depends on keeping the private key secret and ensuring that only the party receiving the message can access it.

Various mathematical algorithms create the public/private keys, with the most famous one based on factorizing a large number into primes, known as RSA.

Multiplying two very large numbers is quick, but factorizing a large number into prime factors takes much more time. To hack RSA and obtain the private key from the public key, one would need to factorize a very large number with more than 600 digits.

  • No algorithm or machine is known today that is able to do such thing.
  • It would take more than a million years of computation time to solve.

What can Quantum Cryptography do to solve this issue?

Classical communication

Quantum communication

Quantum Cryptography

Quantum cryptography is the science of exploiting quantum mechanical properties to perform cryptographic tasks. The best-known example, quantum key distribution (QKD), offers an information-theoretically secure solution to the key exchange problem. Cryptographers could use QKD to detect eavesdropping

Next Generation Protocols

In recent years, researchers have established several protocols to secure information transmitted over the internet. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is one of the most common protocols. It implements a cryptographic protocol involving quantum mechanics to guarantee an ultra-secure layer of protection. The protocol allows two parties to produce and share a random secret key known only to them, which they can then use to encrypt and decrypt messages. The system detects any intrusion if anyone tries to intercept the message and alerts the users. It immediately destroys the compromised key and produces a new one, which the parties then share

Quantum communication

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