QSNP and consortium members present at the EQTC2023
25 October 2023
Hannover, Germany – The Quantum Secure Networks Partnership (QSNP) participated in the recent European Quantum Technologies Conference, showcasing our ground-breaking project alongside some of our partners.

Quantum Flaghsip’s booth at the entrance of the Convention Center, QSNP shared stand with QIA under the communications pillar.
QSNP’s Presence at the European Quantum Technologies Conference (EQTC)
The European Quantum Technologies Conference (EQTC), the main European event on Quantum Technologies (communications, computation, simulation and sensing), brought together leaders, innovators, and organizations to discuss the latest developments and trends in the field. As part of this event, the different underlying projects of the Quantum Flagship had the opportunity to showcase the technology that each has been developing and deploying already, share with the attending audience the goals, achievements, and roadmaps. But, in addition they have also posed the challenges that each are facing and the solutions that they are implementing to overcome current technological barriers and reach expected levels of tech maturity that could be of interest for industry.
Within this context, our QSNP partners had the unique opportunity to present the project, its advances as well as future prospects to a diverse specialized audience, including young researchers at early stages of their careers, academics with experience in the field and stakeholders from relevant related industries.
Present in the Quantum Flagship booth as one of the exhibitors together with other communication projects, our QSNP representatives had a chance to engage with the visitors that passed by, explain QSNP, its insights, objectives, as well as the current and future impact that these techs could have on society.
Showcasing Technology and Collaborations
EQTC has also been a great interaction platform for our partners: ICFO, University of Padua, CNRS, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Instituto Superior Técnico, Deutsche Telekom, LuxQuanta, AIT and Universität Wein, who sent representatives to the conference. Several members of the consortium gave talks showcasing the strength of our initiative, and highlighting their efforts and expertise. Attendees also had the opportunity to interact with a demonstration of a quantum secure video-call. This demonstration of a Mini EuroQCI took place over the 5 days event, carried out by our partners Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and LuxQuanta, using technology from ThinkQuantum and Quside (also members of QSNP), QTI, Rhode & Schwartz and Telsy.
The first day of the event was dedicated mainly to the more institutional, policy-making aspect, where several European Commission representatives gave presentations sharing the overall context of the international perspectives in the field of quantum technologies and how Europe is positioned currently and wants to position itself in the international arena in the next years. Pascal Maillot, Deputy Head of Unit HPC and Quantum Technologies of the European Commission, gave a brief overview of Europe’s Quantum Communication Projects mentioning QSNP as an important initiative in the sector.

Pascal Maillot from the EU Commission giving an overview of Europe’s Quantum Projects during Day 1.
EQTC Concludes with Succes for QSNP
The following days were focused on presenting and giving the latest scientific and technological advances and updates for the different areas of communications, sensing, simulation and computing. The attendees were able to participate in over 120 talks and presentations, more than 80 poster sessions and visit over 30 exhibitions spaces dedicated to showing how industry is beginning to incorporate these technologies within their business and manufacturing supply chains
QSNP’s team expresses gratitude to all those who visited our booth and engaged in thought-provoking discussions. We look forward to continued collaboration with our partners and the entire Quantum communications and cryptography community.
About QSNP
QSNP is a project of the Quantum Flagship initiative within the Quantum Communication research pillar. Its main objectives are to develop advanced technology for quantum secure communication networks against the ever-increasing power of computers and sophistication of algorithms (even for quantum computers), integrate quantum cryptography technology at component, system and network levels, also into classical communication, and establish this technology for quantum-safe critical governmental infrastructures, private telecommunication market sector and future quantum internet. It will work towards further developing and deploying post-quantum protocols based on QKD and integrating them into the classical network adding a new layer of ultra-secure communications. Ultimately, it seeks to create a sustainable European quantum communications technology ecosystem.